

Le Sette Aje

Passion, Tradition, Family

Le Sette Aje wines spring up from the hearth of the Mediterranean sea, in the fascinating Sicily island. Sicily is a generous and sweeping land, with a special airy and dry climate, and bright light. These characteristics give rise to intense, harmonic and full-bodied wines, with unique scents and flavours. Sicilian wines tell the authentic Sicilian tradition and culture.

Le Sette Aje extends to five acres of fruitful vineyards. Grillo is the main grape variety, followed by Catarratto B.L., Moscato Zucco, Carricante, and Nerello Mascalese.
Our mission is to keep alive flavours of the Sicilian culture and tradition, rediscovering ancient tastes almost extinct.That is why we also produce Top Quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
Our lands, with their special climate, count more than 800 olive trees, both old and young plants typical from the Valle del Belìce area. The best known are Nocellara del Belìce and Biancolilla. We also nurture very ancient and autochthonous varieties of olive trees, mostly extinct, such as Giarraffa, Cerasuola, Pidiccuddara, and Murtiddara.

Find out more


Gabriella, Agata, Cristina e Rosalia Cannata, Vendemmia 2020

L e S e t t e A j e - p r o t o c o l l o a g r o - o m e o p a t i c o -

Our selection of


Crafted autochthonous wines

Our Top Quality


Rare and ancient tastes



Products beyond organic

Tasting emotions


Find out our tasting selection

Our Wine Selection

A journey towards the flavours and scents of Sicily

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From Nature to Innovation

We cultivate our plants with the same care of our ancestors. We respect the physiology and the naturality of the plant by combining natural and extremely innovative agricultural methods. Our agricultural method is 100% sustainable with zero environmental impact.

Cold pressing

It permits to preserve organoleptic characteristics

Unique varieties

Rediscovering ancient flavors of the tradition and the culture requires a careful research of unique, ancient and almost extinct varieties


In order to maintain the right quantity of antioxidant (polyphenols), beneficial substances for a good health and for the preservation of the quality of the oil

To taste with

Find out which product is the best for your meals


This is our love for Olive Oil

Our activity with the olives is pursued in order to rediscover ancient and almost extinct flavors.
Our lands, with their special climate, count more than 800 olive trees, both old and young plants typical from the Valle del Belìce area. The best known are Nocellara del Belìce and Biancolilla. We also nurture very ancient and autochthonous varieties of olive trees, mostly extinct, such as Giarraffa, Cerasuola, Pidiccuddara, and Murtiddara.


The deep care of the flavor, the scent and the organoleptic characteristics of the olive oil is paramount for us. We act in order to make the best olive oil from the best raw material. In this way we assure the best quality for our products: an unique tasting experience that underlines properly their characteristics.


...because it's a family matter

Rosalia Cannata
Sales and Administration

Rosalia cares about the customer sales journey end-to-end. She gathers the client's feelings and sensations when he/she tastes our products. She loves to harvest olives and to present our products all around the world.

Cristina Cannata
Marketing and Communication

Cristina is the main narrator of the company. She tells both the stories we wrap in our product and those we live in our day by day life. She never misses harvest time since it is her favorite time of the year.

Agata e Gabriella
Old age cane

Passionate with chocolate and chinese respectively, Agata and Gabriella are the youngest women of the company. They support administration and communication functions directly from the lands, helping Leonardo in the daily work.

Leonardo Cannata

Many years of unconditional love for agriculture had brought him to call the lands his home. With more than 40 years of experience, his mission is searching for the goodness of the land, in the name of innovation.

Nonna Rosalia
Cook and cannolis expert maker

Nonna Rosalia is the typical Sicilian grandmother, barrel of wisdom. She's always ready to prepare great meals for everyone who comes to visit us.

Mamma Nina
Top Supporter

Mamma Nina helps us in the day-to-day work in the company. She is a mom: she basically cares about everything.

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